Agriculture is the first step in the integrated chain of Panvita Group activities, for it ensures high-quality raw materials for the production of high-quality foods. In order to preserve and increase our competitive advantages, optimise production, reduce environmental impact and…
There’s an old idea that says cultivating a garden is proof of a belief in tomorrow. We undoubtedly believe in tomorrow, especially when we look forward to ripe sweet strawberries, an intoxicating aroma or healthy green asparagus, offering an unforgettable…
In the northeast of Slovenia we are developing a wine district that will be gifted the favourable conditions of the Prekmurje soil and climate for the production of superlative wines. MAROF is a modern cellar closely tied to nature, tradition…
In our state-of-the-art farm sales centres we offer a rich selection of items, intermediate products and farm supplies for the complete provisioning of farms. Our own supply of outstanding feed mixtures for all categories of domestic animals, cereals, mineral, vitamin…
There is a rich tradition of pig farming in this part of Slovenia, and at one time even the Viennese Court was supplied with pork from this area. The Panvita Group is present on the market as a producer of…
The poultry farming operations carried out at the company Panvita Agromerkur d.o.o. include the production of hatching eggs and day-old chicks, chicken breeding and slaughtering. All these activities are concentrated in the Pomurje region, where we raise poultry on our…
The primary veterinary activity is providing high-quality veterinary services at a high professional level. We offer veterinary services to users within the Group and partner farms. The provision of veterinary services has an important function at the large pig farming…
At the state-of-the-art facility in Lipovci we produce high-quality feed mixtures made 100% of Slovenian cereals. We are the only producer in Slovenia that guarantees the 100% use of Slovenian cereals in its production of feed mixtures, and are a…
Through its primary activities the Panvita Group is tied directly to nature, so our attitude to it is especially respectful. We are focused on the future and strive for improvement in all areas. Our activities in the area of ecology…
We feel a great responsibility to all those who choose our products. Each year we place on the market 19,000 tons of fresh meat, semi-prepared meat products, parboiled, semi-cured and dried meats. We are constantly adapting to the needs of…
KŽTC Pan-nutri d.o.o. promotes the development of Pomurje region farming and its food processing industry. By fostering applied research and development projects we link together companies and individuals in the wider farming and food sector in the Pomurje region. Through…
We are modernising and developing the countryside for a better tomorrow. NAME OF ACTIVITY: Investment in erecting a plastic greenhouse for hydroponic production of strawberries and several types of herbs (sub-measure 4.1. Support for investment in agricultural holdings) Through this…
Projects involving sustainable food production.
We like to work with people and for people. We are available to deal with all your enquiries or questions by telephone, email or the contact form.
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