
Today the Panvita Group comprises nine associated companies that employ over 700 persons and fulfil their mission with responsibility for environmentally friendly food production and sustainable livestock farming. 

Our story began in the 1920s, with the establishing of the then Banate holding. Through its organisation and knowledge the holding soon became the biggest farm production operation in the then Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. Various socio-political systems broke the holding up into several smaller, non-profitable units. It was only the arrival of the Rakičan Agricultural Holding that halted the negative trend, and this marked a renewed process of merging the units.

The production of meat items has its roots in Gornja Radgona, where one of the first enterprises was established in the region pursuing the processing of pork. From a small operation set up in 1922, the company grew into a leading supplier of meat products. Its merger with the Panvita Group gave the company new impetus for fulfilling its vision in the meat processing sector.

The growing stocks of poultry in this part of Slovenia pointed the way to a modern slaughtering facility in the middle of the 20th century. Just as today, the then slaughtering facility was supplied with poultry from the entire Prekmurje region. With the transition to a market system, the poultry operations joined the Panvita Group, which ensured the vision and continued unimpeded production.

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