Society and The Environment

Concern for protecting the environment is one of our main principles. 

All the companies in the Panvita Group are committed to operate transparently in accordance with the valid legal regulations and standards that apply in this sector.

In our management of operations we are responsible to owners, buyers, each other and the wider environment, which through acceptance and cooperation has enabled us to operate on the Slovenian and international markets.

The Panvita Group is also deeply involved in the local environment. We are a co-founder of the Marof Foundation, whose mission is to provide financial support and guidance for child, youth, disabled and social protection, sports and cultural education, funding of sports and cultural activities and educating children and youth.

Each year within the foundation we award scholarships to gifted Pomurje region students and enable holidays for the children of employees and gifted children from Pomurje. 

We support numerous sports and cultural events in our wider surroundings. We are a long-term sponsor of the Panvita Pomgrad Volleyball Club, and we also sponsor several top sports competitions in Slovenia.

We are aware of the importance of cooperation between the company and the local environment, since this brings long-term benefits that help all involved.

The activities of the Panvita Group are tied directly to nature, so our attitude to it is especially respectful, and our responsibility is exceptional. Our set of environmental activities comprises an entire system.

The integrated way we process food is managed ecologically in its entirety. Nutrients are returned to nature, and the electricity generated bears the justifiable title of ‘green’ energy.

We identify as part of our set of ecological activities the treatment of wastewater, processing of animal by-products and obtaining ‘green’ electricity from biogas. The Panvita Group deals with challenges that arise in an integrated way. We have set up wastewater treatment at the Nemščak and Mir treatment plants and the processing of animal by-products from companies within the Panvita Group.

In 2006 we set up our first biogas facility at the Nemščak pig farm, and this was followed by biogas plants at Motvarjevci and Jezera in Rakičan. All three biogas facilities combined process 50,000 tons of organic waste a year, generating 26 million kWh of electricity annually. 

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